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21 Surprising Health Benefits of Namaz (Salat):

Health Benefits of Namaz

Top surprising benefits of Namaz

The customary prayers of Muslim (Namaz), wherever physical movements of prayers (Sala’at) have been fantastically conglomerated with religious exercise, result to many surprising health and medicinal benefits. Namaz is the prescription from Allah for better health and fitness who offers it regularly. Thus, it’s the natural way to keep oneself healthy. One can get the advantages of Namaz providing it’s offered as they have been ordered by Allah and our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Namaz (Sala’at) should be offered coolly, calmly, religiously and spiritually to get most of its benefits.

Top surprising benefits of Namaz

Health benefits of Ablution/Wudu/Wuzzo

1).Wudu (Ablution) with water where one washes his hands, face, and feet region results in preventing germs from the body so promotes good health.

2).Ablution (Wuzzo) stimulates biological active spots kind of like Chinese Reflexo-Therapy, that has helpful therapeutic effects on the hands, face and feet region.

3).Ablution helps to relax the nervous system and eases tension, stress and anxiety.

4).Washing hands 5 times every day (excluding laundry before dietary intake) before Namaz means an efficient way to keep germs away from the body.

5).Hand washing is an efficient way to prevent unfold of germs.

6).Gargling during wash (Wudu) is extremely important as it helps to get rid of germs, allergens and dust particles.

7).Gargling with plain water reduces the chances of common cold to a larger extent thereby contribute to health and hygiene. Gargling also reduces viral metabolism infections. Gargling ensures reduction in bad breath too.

8).Nose cleansing during Wuzzo removes dusts, allergens and contaminated matter. Nose cleanup with plain water helps to minimize the infections like flu, sinusitis, cold and chest infections.

9).Nasal cleaning with water overcomes nasal congestion and clear sticky matter within the nose.

10).Nasal cleaning helps to treat allergic rhinitis, sensible for nasal dryness and improves respiration.

11).Face washing during wash is very helpful for refreshing as well as rising the facial complexion.

12).Face washing reduces the impact of oily skin and retarded the expansion of skin problem, pimples, wrinkles, and different facial spots.

13).Ears cleaning during wash are quite effective to stop wax accumulation. cleaning ear with wet fingers 5 times every day is additionally good to remove dust and germs from the outer region of the ears.

14).Washing the feet during Wuzo helps to cleaning dirts, fungus. It additionally acts like as acupressure while fingers are passing through the bottom space of the toes. Rubbing the toes with fingers is additionally good just in case of diabetes and removing pain from the body. As many accu points are present within the upper and lower elements of toe regions and pressing these during wash is useful in natural process of pain like back pain, arthritis, joints pain, etc.

15).Offering Namaz (Sala’at) has several benefits like spiritual, religious, physical, mental, social, economical, social, etc.

16).Namaz is extremely beneficial to activate all the seven Chakras as per the yogic philosophy.

Namaz is that the finest type of meditation

17. Namaz is one of the most effective kinds of meditation or Dhyan from yogic point of view where the person unilaterally surrenders to Allah. Meditation is defined because the uninterrupted flow of mind towards a selected object. Namaz is one of the most effective stress buster and tension reliever modules. Namaz (Sala’at) is the excellent example of meditation where the performer thinks only and only regarding Allah. Thus, Namaz provides the ultimate satisfaction and peace to the mind so prevent from several diseases and disorders. It enhances your concentration and reduces the level of depression. Namaz helps to develop positive milieu around the Namazi.

Namaz and physical health advantages

18).Namaz has multiple several health and fitness advantages. a number of the important physical health advantages are as follow:

Namaz is one of the vital means for health, happiness and harmony.

Offering regular Namaz keeps one fit and healthy by burning additional calories thereby losing weight. Namaz is one of the effective ways for weight loss as well as to control fatness.

Namaz stretches your muscles and helps to supply tone body.

It is {good|is sweet|is nice} to overcome arthritis as Namaz is good to boost flexibility of the body and reduces stiffness.

Namaz is a good source to balance Anabolic and Catabolic bio-chemical method of the body.

Namaz is good for heart, brain, specially for the complete body.

Standing posture in Namaz (Qiya’m) ensures proper blood flow the lower portion of the body. it’s also sensible in strengthening the leg muscles.

Health benefits of Ruk’u

19).The forward bending position of Namaz (Ruk’u) is good for your lower spine. It helps to ease your back pain as per yogic philosophy. Doing Ruku properly helps to manage ache and spine related diseases. Namaz Ruku is effective in developing flexibility to shoulder, elbowm wrist, knees and ankle regions. Ruku exerts abdominal pressure thereby eases constipation and peristaltic movements. during Ruku, the kidney experiences a kind of massage so useful to kidney problems.

Health benefits of Sajdah

20).During Sajdah, one sit in Vajrasana, a very vital yoga pose from health point of view. Vajrasana strengthens the thigh and calf muscles. it’s sensible for digestion and keeps your spine firm and erect. Sajdah is very useful within the proper functioning of brain, lungs, body muscles, joints and entire spine. Sajdah helps to maintain smooth blood to the brain region, and also stimulates the master gland pituitary gland similarly because the pineal gland. Sajdah reduces the chances of brain hemorrhage and headache due to smooth blood flow to the head region. while performing Sajdah, the toes are experiencing treatment that is good for better health of the body, particularly for body pains.

Health benefits of Sala’m

21).Salam is the wonderful kind of neck and upper vertebra exercise. Namaz’s Salam is the Griva-sakti-vikasaka (Strengthening the Neck) of yogic Sukshma Vyayama, that is useful in loosening the neck joints and also helps to relax the shoulder and upper back muscles. Salam helps to refresh all the nerves passes through the neck, so good in case of headache and contend migraine.

Therefore, let us earn Allah’s satisfaction and keep ourselves healthy by performing five prayers every day.

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