Good night wishes are very unique and beautiful. Good friends are rare! They are the people who you consider to be like family. With friends you find love, support, and common ground. When you say good night to your dear ones then it means you are very sincere with them. We are here with Best Good Night Wishes For Friends for you. Use these best wishes and send to your dears that they can feel your love about them. Let’s check it out…
“Another day ends and we look forward 2 a new day with great anticipation. But a true friendship never ends whatever the passage of time. Good Night dear friend.”

“Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” Good Night
“Night is a wonderful opportunity to take rest, to forgive, to dream, to smile and to get ready for all the battle that you have to fight tomorrow. Good Night.”
“Dreaming of you makes my night worthwhile,
Thinking of you makes me smile,
Being with you is the best thing ever,
And loving you is what I’ll do forever.”
“Night, night, to a dear friend! May you sleep well!”
“Early sleep and early wake up gives health and makes you grow.” Good Night!
“This message has the following attachments –
the sweetest kiss and coziest hug,
the cutest cuddle and warmest snuggle.
Good night.”
“Night is the nice gift
so open the gift
By closing your eyes
you will see the another world waiting for u
enjoy the sweet dream…So Good Night…..”
“I have never felt so lonely like this,
all I can think about is giving you a kiss.
Such is the blissful effect of our love on me,
that all I do is miss you dearly.
Good night.”
“May the night fill with stars for you. May counting every one, give you contentment!”
“Touch ur heart; Close ur eyes; Make a wish; Say GoodNight; Sky so wide, Stars so bright, Turn off the lights, and say Good Night”
“Your sweet time of today is ending Now,
Forget bad Incidents,
Remembers beautiful Moments,
to refresh your mind
wish you a sweet sleep.
Good Night !”
“Friend, you make me smile! I hope you are smiling, while you sleep!”
“I’m whispering coz i dont want you to wake you up. U’ll probably read this tomorrow, but anyway, I want you to know – i kissed you good night!”
“As the day turns into night, keep your worries out of sight. Close your eyes and go to sleep, for all the good times are yours to keep. Good Night”
“The stars and moon arrive just to wish you a good night. Let the light of the moon guide your dreams as you pass the night away.”
“A bed of clouds for you to sleep,
Diamond stars as your bed side lamp,
Angels from heaven singing lullabies for YOU,
May you sleep peacefully, Good night..”
“You are the sweetest person that I know! May you feel at ease, tonight, knowing how great you are!”
“A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like you making my everyday seems so great. Good night and sweet dreams.”
“I think of you as soon as I wake up and
then again before I fall asleep.
You see, you’re never out of my thoughts.
Have a Good Night!”
“Good Night, my precious friend! May you feel safe and loved!”
“Saying Good Night is not just
putting an end to a day.
Its a way of saying ,
I remember u before i go 2 sleep.
Hope u can feel the care that goes with it….
“A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like U making my everyday seems so great. Thank U my good friend lastly good night n sweet dreams…”
“This message is to remind you
that even though the night will give way to the day,
I will always be the dark night sky that covers you like a blanket,
and the radiant moon which shines love forever.
Good night.”
“Wishing you comfort, happiness, and a good night!”
“Since your eyes are looking tired,
Let your eye lashes hug each other for few hours,
Happy journey into the world of dreams,
Good Night and Sweet Dreams.”
“Instead of holding my pillow tight, I wish I could meet you in person and kiss you good night”.
“Do you know why the moon is shining so brightly tonight?
Because it is trying to be as beautifully radiant as you are.
Good night.”
“Being your friend is amazing! Tonight, may you enjoy your leisure time!
“Look…the moon is calling you!!
See…the stars are shining for you!!
Listen…the mosquito’s are singing to you!!
Hear…my heart says:
“Good night”
“Night is Silent, Night is Beautiful, Night is Calm, Night is Quiet.. But Night is not complete Without Wishing U Good night. Sweet dreams!.”
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow Learn as if you were to live FOREVER…”
“Wishing a friend I hold dear a very, good night! You deserve it!”
“Let the sweetest person
come to your dreams tonight….
But do not make it a habit
because I am not free every night .
Good night and have a nice dreams !!”
“As the moonlight dims and the world goes quite, give yourself some rest. Here’s to hoping that your sleep is as sweet as you are.”
“Good night, sleep tight, best friend!”
“My day won’t certainly be over
for I have something left to do.
I just couldn’t sleep yet without
saying I love you. Good Night”
“A night hug warms the heart, A night kiss brightens the day, and A good morning to start your day!”
“Its big,
It’s warm,
It’s fuzzy.
Before you get ideas it’s a big night HUG from me to you!Good Night”
“True friendship like ours is worth more than all the wealth in this world. May we never be apart. Good night.”
“Tiny stars shining bright,
Its time 4 me 2 say goodnight,
So close ur eyes & snuggle up tight,
I’m wishing u sweet dreams tonight!”
“Always end the day with a positive thought. No matter how hard things were, tomorrow’s fresh opportunity to make it better.”
“Just for you, I have a sweet good night kiss. Just to you, I wish a morning full of bliss. Good night handsome”.
“Night is longer than day for those who DREAM & day is longer than night for those who make their DREAMS come true. Wish you Good Night & Sweet Dreams!”
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