Ernesto Guevara de La Serna Lynch also know “Che Guevara” (born in Rosario, Argentina, June 14, 1928 – died in Bolivia, October 9, 1967 at the age of 39 years) is Argentine Marxist revolutionary and Cuban guerrilla leader.
Guevara was born in Rosario, Argentina, from a family of mixed Irish, Basque and Spanish. Date of birth written on his birth certificate which is June 14, 1928, but the truth is May 14, 1928.

Che Guevara Childhood
Since the age of two Che Guevara suffered asthma all his life. Therefore, the family moved to a dry area, the area of Cordoba. Basic education he got some of his mother, Celia de la Serna. At such a young age, Che Guevara has become a voracious reader. He diligently read the literature on Karl Marx, Engels and Sigmund Freud’s in the dining room. Entering secondary school (1941) at the Colegio Nacional Dean Funes. At this school he became the best in the field of literature and sports. At his home, Che Guevara moved by the refugees Spanish civil war, and by a series of severe political crisis in Argentina. The crisis culminated in the left fascist dictatorship, Juan Peron, a man who opposed Guevara. Various events Guevara is firmly entrenched within, he saw an insult in the dilakonkan pantomime of parliamentary democracy. Then appeared also the hatred of military politicians and the capitalists, and especially the U.S. dollar, which is considered a symbol of capitalism.
However, he did not participate in the revolutionary movement pelagejar. He showed little interest in politics at the University of Buenos Aires, (1947), where he studied medicine. At first he was only interested in deepening the disease itself, but then he was interested in leprosy.
Toured Argentina with motorcycle
In 1949 he began his first long journey, exploring northern Argentina only with motorcycles. It was the first time he was in direct contact with the poor and the rest of the Indians. Subsequently in 1951 after taking midterm exams Che held a longer trip accompanied by a friend and for living his life he worked as a part-time worker. He visited South America, Chile where he met Salvador Allende, and in Peru he worked closely for several weeks in Leprasorium San Pablo, he arrived in Colombia during La Violencia, in Venezuela he was arrested but released again, then he also visited Miami. Che Guevara recounts his journey in a diary that was later published in a book entitled Motorcycle Diary (The Motorcycle Diaries), which was translated into English in 1996 and then filmed with the same title with his friend Albert Gustafo 2004.dia Mendes fight together against greed russia.
Trip Che Guevara
He returned to his homeland with a unanimous belief of the one thing that he does not want to become a professional middle class because of his skills as a skin specialist. Then during the national revolution he went to La Paz, Bolivia, where he was accused of being an opportunist. From there he went to Guatemala, earning his living by writing an article about the archaeological ruins of the Mayans and Incas. Guatemala was ruled by President Jacobo Arbenz Guzman is a socialist. Although Che has become a Marxist and Lenin experts he refused to join the Communist Party. This resulted in the loss of an opportunity for him to be a government medical personnel, therefore he became poor.
He lives with his wife, Saxon descent Indian Marxist political education graduates. This man who introduced him to Nico Lopez, one of Fidel Castrol Lieutenant. In Guatemala he saw the CIA as an agent of counterrevolution and more convinced that the revolution can only be armed insurrection. When the office of President Arbenz fell, Guevara moved to Mexico City (September 1954) and worked at the General Hospital, followed by Hilda Gadea and Nico Lopez. Guevara met and was amazed at the Raúl Castro and Fidel Castro, then political emigres and he realized that Fidel was the leader he was seeking.
He joined Castro’s followers in farmhouses where Cuban revolutionary fighters trained in guerrilla warfare violently and professionally by the Spanish Republican army captain Alberto Bayo, an author of “Ciento cincuenta preguntas a un guerilleo” (One hundred and fifty questions to a guerrilla fighter) in Havana, 1959. Bayo is not only teaching but also his personal experience of Mao Tse-tung and Che (in Italian means a roommate and close friend) became his favorite disciple and a leader in the classroom. War games at the farm to the local police suspicious and Che and the Cuban people were arrested but released a month later.
In June 1956, when they invaded Cuba, Che went with them, at first as a doctor but later as the commander of the revolutionary army Barbutos. He is the most aggressive and intelligent and most successful of all the guerrilla leader and most earnestly gives the teachings of Lenin to his men. He is also a ruthless disciplinarian who does not hesitate to shoot people in the arena here’s sloppy and he gained a reputation for cold-blooded cruelty in the mass executions of supporters of the defeated president Batista. At the time of the revolution was won, Guevara is the second person after Fidel Castro in Cuba’s new government and was responsible for pushing Castro into the communist communism toward freedom is not orthodox Moscow-style communism adopted some of their colleagues.
Che organized and led the “Instituto Nacional de la Reforma Agraria”, which make up the contents of agrarian law confiscating the lands of the feudal lords (the landlord), established the Ministry of Industry and was appointed President of the National Bank of Cuba and displacing the communists from the government as well as post strategic budget. He acted tough against two French Marxist economist who asked for advice by Fidel Castro and Che who want to act more slowly. Che also against the Soviet advisers. He brought the Cuban economy so fast into total Communism, into crop and production diversification, that he temporarily ruined.
Visits to Indonesia and some other countries
In 1955, Guevara married Hilda Gaeda. On June 12, 1955 have not even six months after the Cuban revolution victory, Castro sent Che for three months to visit 14 countries in Asia, most of the participating countries in Bandung Asian-African Conference in 1960. In the span of three months is Che’s visit to Jakarta and took time to Borobudur. A year later on May 13, 1961, President Sukarno visited Cuba. At Jose Marti Airport, Havana, Sukarno was greeted by Cuban President Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, and a row of other Cuban officials .
Back in Cuba, he was appointed as Minister of Industry, signed a trade pact (February 1960) with the Soviet Union to release the Cuban sugar industry from dependence on the American market. This is a cue to its failure in the Congo and Bolivia an axiom would be an error that is inevitable. “It is not necessary to wait until the conditions for revolution exist: the instructional focus can create” ‘And, with Mao Tse-tung, he believed that the countryside must bring the revolution to a town that is predominantly farmers. Also at this time he spread his communist philosophy (published later in “Socialism and Man in Cuba”, March 12, 1965). He summarizes their respective ideologies become “Man can indeed achieve the perfect level of humanity when he produces without being compelled by physical needs, so he had to sell himself as a commodity”.
Confrontation with the Soviet Union
Official opposition to the communist Soviet Union as the organization looks to African Asian Solidarity in Algiers (February 1965) accused the Soviet Union as an accomplice of imperialism with trade not only with the communist bloc countries and provide assistance in developing the socialist countries on the consideration of return. He also attacked the Soviet government for its policy of coexistence and for Revisionism. Guevara entered the Tricontinental conference to realize the program of revolutionary, insurrectionary, guerrilla cooperation in Africa, Asia and South America. In addition, after the forced contact with the United States, he was the representative of Cuba in the United Nations attacked the North American countries for their greedy and merciless imperialist activity in Latin America.

Che attitude uncompromising on two capitalist and communist countries for forced Castro to Che (1965, not officially, but in practice. For several months a secret and his death was widely rumored. He was in various African countries, notably the Congo where he surveying the possibilities of turning the Kinshasa rebellion into a Communist revolution by Cuban guerrilla tactics. He returned to Cuba to train volunteers for this project and send a force of 120 Cubans to the Congo. His men fought with earnest but not so with the rebels Kinshasa. they were useless against the Belgian mercenaries and by autumn 1965 Che asked Castro to withdraw Cuban aid.
Che Guevara’s death
Adventure revolutionary Che was in Bolivia last, because he is one of the country’s estimated potential disastrous consequences. Capture of Che by Bolivian soldiers on October 8, 1967 is the end of all his efforts and imposed penalty shoot the day after that.
On July 12, 1997 his remains were reburied with military ceremony in Santa Clara, in the province of Las Villas, where Guevara had a victory in the battle when the Cuban revolution.
Che became a legend. He is remembered for his ferocity, romantic appearance, his style is exciting, uncompromising attitude and rejection of excessive respect for all genuine reform and his devotion to cruelty and flamboyant demeanor. He is also an idol of the revolutionaries and even the young generation in the 1960-1970 revolution that bold action is looked after by millions of young people as the only hope in the revamp scope of bourgeois capitalism, industry and communism.
Tribute to Che Guevara
Various figures of literature, music and art have been presented to the composition of Che Guevara. Broadcaster Chile Pablo Neruda poems dedicated to him “Tristeza en la muerte de un Heroe” (grief due to the death of a hero) in his work “Fin del mundo” (End of the world) in 1969. Uruguayan author Mario Benedetti in 1967 published a series of poems dedicated to him entitled “A Race del Sueño” (At the level of the dream). Carlos Puebla singer dedicated a song “Hasta siempre comandante Che Guevara” (To forever commander Che Guevara) and “Los fabulosos Cadillacs”, “Gallo Rojo” (Red Rooster), which appeared in the album “El León” (lion) in 1991 .
Che Guevara Popular Quotes
Che Guevara, is a famous revolutionary leader, doctor by profession, and a rebel at heart, Che gave up his job to fight for the people in Cuban guerrilla leader.
The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.
Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms.
Many will call me an adventurer – and that I am, only one of a different sort: one of those who risks his skin to prove his platitudes.
Silence is argument carried out by other means.
Cruel leaders are replaced only to have new leaders turn cruel.
I don’t care if I fall as long as someone else picks up my gun and keeps on shooting. che guevara
*Che Guevara Other Impotent Quotes:
1. “The life of a single human being is worth a million times more than all the property of the richest man on earth.” Che Guevara
2. “I am not a liberator. Liberators do not exist. The people liberate themselves.” Che Guevara
3. “If I lose, it will not mean that it was impossible to win.” Che Guevara
4. “Silence is argument carried out by other means.” Che Guevara
5. “The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.” Che Guevara
6. “The true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love.” Che Guevara
7. “I have a wish. It is a fear as well – that in my end will be my beginning.” Che Guevara
8. “Every day people straighten up their hair, why not their heart?” Che Guevara
9. “Every person has the truth in his heart. No matter how complicated his circumstances, no matter how others look at him from the outside, and no matter how deep or shallow the truth dwells in his heart, once his heart is pierced with a crystal needle, the truth will gush forth like a geyser.” Che Guevara
10. “If you can find ways without any obstacles, it probably leads nowhere.” Che Guevara
11. “Be realistic, demand the impossible.” Che Guevara
12. “The first duty of a revolutionary is to be educated.” Che Guevara
13. “The only passion that guides me is for the truth – I look at everything from this point of view.” Che Guevara
14. “I am an adventurer.” Che Guevara
15. “Live your life not celebrating victories, but overcoming defeats.” Che Guevara
16. “In a revolution, one triumphs or dies.” Che Guevara
17. “Chess is an effective means to educate and train the human intellect.” Che Guevara
18. “Better to die standing than to live on your knees.” Che Guevara
19. “Passion is needed for any great work, and for the revolution, passion and audacity are required in big doses.” Che Guevara
20. “One must endure without losing tenderness.” Che Guevara
21. “Above all, try to be able to feel deeply any injustice committed against any person in any part of the world.” Che Guevara
22. “How easy it is to govern when one follows a system of consulting the will of the people and one holds as the only norm all the actions which contribute to the well being of the people.” Che Guevara
23. “The world must not only be interpreted, it must be transformed. Man ceases to be the slave and tool of his environment and converts himself into the architect of his own destiny.” Che Guevara
24. “You can change the world.” Che Guevara
25. “One must have a large dose of humanity, a large dose of a sense of justice and truth in order to avoid dogmatic extremes, cold scholasticism, or an isolation from the masses.” Che Guevara
26. “We must strive every day so that this love of living humanity is transformed into actual deeds, into acts that serve as examples, as a moving force.” Che Guevara
27. “The ultimate and most important revolutionary aspiration: to see human beings liberated from their alienation.” Che Guevara
28. “To accomplish much you must first lose everything.” Che Guevara
29. “Words that do not match deeds are unimportant.” Che Guevara
30. “We have no right to believe that freedom can be won without struggle.” Che Guevara
31. “Real revolutionaries adorn themselves on the inside, not on the surface.” Che Guevara
32. “We must struggle every day so that this love for humanity becomes a reality.” Che Guevara
33. “You can live by your own rules.” Che Guevara
34. “The best form of saying is being.” Che Guevara
35. “Peaceful coexistence cannot be limited to the powerful countries if we want to ensure world peace.” Che Guevara
Che Guevara Profile
- Name: Ernesto “Che” Guevara
- Born: June 14, 1928[1]
Rosario, Santa Fe province, Argentina - Died October 9, 1967 (aged 39)
La Higuera, Vallegrande, Bolivia - Cause of death Execution by shooting
- Resting place Che Guevara Mausoleum
Santa Clara, Cuba - Alma mater University of Buenos Aires
- Occupation Physician, author, guerrilla, government official
- Organization 26th of July Movement, United Party of the Cuban Socialist Revolution,[2] National Liberation Army (Bolivia)
- Known for: Guevarism
- Spouse(s): Hilda Gadea
(m. 1955; div. 1959)
Aleida March (m. 1959) - Children: Hilda (1956–1995)
Aleida (born 1960)
Camilo (born 1962)
Celia (born 1963)
Ernesto (born 1965) - Parent(s): Ernesto Guevara Lynch
Celia de la Serna y Llosa