You have a question about your dog. Find the Sample answers to some of the most commonly dog faq. Our Vets and Pet Care Our Experts help answer all those burning questions you have about your Dogs.
Dog FAQ from “Animals In Pursuit” List below:
FAQ. What is the stern of a dog?
A. The tail
Q. How can you tell if a bandage on a dogs leg is too tight?
A. If toes are cold or swollen
Q. How long is the Long Down in the novice dog Obedience Class?
A. Three minutes
Q. What is the term used to describe the breeding of closely related animals?
A. In-Breeding
Q. Does a small or large dog need more calories per pound of body weight?
A. Small Dog
Q. How long is the Long Sit in the novice dog obedience classes?
A. One minute
Q. How does a veterinarian detect heartworm in a dog?
A. By examining a blood sample for microflariae under a microscope
Q. What breed group is the Lhasa Apso found?
A. Non Sporting Group
Q. What group of dog breeds do the Beagle and Duchshund belong?
A. Hound Group
Q. What are the characteristics of the gums and lips of a dog which is in shock?
A. Dry and pale in color

Q. How many times a day should a dog older than one year be fed?
A. Only once a day
Q. What are names of two of the six dog groups?
A. Sporting, Hound, Working, Terrier, Toy, and Non-Sporting
Q. What are two forms commercially prepared dog food can be purchased?
A. Dry, semi-moist, canned, wet
Q. What liquid can be dabbed on a tick imbedded on a dog which will cause it (the tick) to release?
A. Rubbing Alcohol
Q. What type of collar should a dog shown in obedience classes wear?
A. Well fitting slip collars of chain or leather
Q. How many times a day should a 12-week old puppy be fed?
A. 3 times – morning, noon and evening
Q. Proof of what two vaccinations must be presented to the veterinarian or show committee at a dog show?
A. Rabies and parvo-virus
Q. Name two internal parasites common to dogs?
A. Roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, tapeworms, heartworms
Q. What is the cause of ringworm in dogs?
A. Fungus
Q. What is the normal gestation period for a dog?
A. 63 days

Q. What dog group is the Mastiff found?
A. Working Group
Q. What group of dog breeds do the Italian Greyhound and Pub belong?
A. Toy group
Q. Why should you pull back on the plunger before injecting a drug into a dog?
A. Be sure not in a blood vessel
Q. A 12 week old puppy should be fed what it will clean up in about how many minutes?
A. 15 minutes
Q. Name one of the dog showmanship classes.
A. Junior Novice, Junior Open, Senior Novice, Senior Open
Q. What group of dog breeds do the Welsh Terrier and Miniature Schnauzer belong?
A. Terrier Group
Q. How would you separate an animal from an electrically charged object?
A. Separate the electrical source from the animal, not vice versa
Q. How many calories does a medium size dog need per pound of body weight?
A. 30 calories
Q. What does it mean to “stand for examination” in a dog show?
A. The handler poses the dog in order for the judge to examine the dog
Q. How are heartworms spread from dog to dog?
A. By mosquitoes

Q. What breed group is the Chihuahua found?
A. Toy Group
Q. What group of dog breeds do the Weimarsner and Golden Retriever belong?
A. Sporting Group
Q. How is a pill put down a dogs throat?
A. Holding the jaws open, drop the pill far back behind the tongue and then hold the animal’s mouth closed
Q. What nutrient is called the building block of the body?
Q. What is the term used to describe any dog under one year old?
A. Puppy
Q. What is the part of the foreleg between the knee and foot, or between the hock joint and paw of the hind leg of
a dog?
A. Pastern
Q. At what age should a puppy first be vaccinated for distemper, hepatitis and leptospirosis?
A. 6-8 weeks
Q. What is a group of nutrients which supply energy to the body?
A. Carbohydrates
Q. What side of the handler should a dog walk on when heeling?
A. Left
Can you read more Dog FAQ below…

Q. What disease is characterized by circular, scaly area where the hair has been lost?
A. Ringworm
Q. What dog ailment may be caused by change of diet, milk, too much grease or overeating?
A. Diarrhea
Q. How long will a female dog (bitch) remain in season?
A. 21 days
Q. What is the area between the eyes and between the skull and muzzle of a dog called?
A. Stop
Q. What is the process of giving birth called in dogs?
A. Whelping
Q. What group of dog breeds is the Bulldog and the Dalmation?
A. Non-Sporting Group
Q. What can be done to keep a dog from chewing off a bandage?
A. Use an Eliabethan collar or pole to keep animal from turning head
Q. What does it mean that dogs are carnivorous?
A. They are meat eaters
Q. What is the ear flap of hounds and spaniels called?
A. Leather
Q. What is the normal heart rate (beats/minute) of a dog?
A. 120 beats/minute
Q. what are two of the five main types of nutrients?
A. Proteins, vitamins, minerals, water and carbohydrates (energy)
Q What are dogs in field and obedience trails judged on? (one word)
A. Performance
Q. What is the average normal temperature for a dog?
A. 102.0°F

Q. What is the bump at the rear of the skull in most dog breeds called?
A. Occiput
Q. The jaws, lips and nose make up what part of a dog?
A. Muzzle
Q. What is the 4-H dog obedience class called in which a 4-H’er shows two dogs at the same time?
A. Brace
Q. What 2 dog diseases may be preventable by vaccination?
A. Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, parvo virus, rebies
Q. What dog group is the Cocker Spaniel found?
A. Sporting Group
Q. What group of dog breeds does the Mastiff and Collie belong?
A. Working Group
A. Proteins (amino acids)
Q. How old should a dog be before training is begun?
A. At least nine months old
Q. What are lice eggs called?
A. Nits
Q. How can you cause a dog to vomit?
A. Give hydrogen peroxide, Ipecac Syrup or Salt
A. Proteins (amino acids)
Also Read More Dog FAQ click hare
Q. How old should a dog be before training is begun?
A. At least nine months old
Q. What does AKC stand for?
A. American Kennel Club
Q. How often each year will a female dog come into season?
A. Twice
Q. What is the joint formed by the upper and lower thighs of a dog called?
A. Stifle
Q. What are loose-hanging lips, as in a Bull dog called?
A. Flews
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